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Bedford Systems Management Ltd. is a full support company with 30+ years of experience working with a rich diversity of clients and business disciplines. 
We have always been active in IT consulting, software development and project management. Whether you're considering a customized software project, require the expertise of our project managers or need help in determining the feasibility of a software product, we can help.

Software Development

A substantial part of our business is software development, whether customizing our Aspire Project Suite product line for existing clients or developing an entirely new custom solution to the specifications of new clients. 


All software development is performed by Bedford Systems employees in our own office.  We do not outsource and all work is performed in Canada.  The customization we do for our Aspire Project Suite clients is done with the assurance of seamless integration and full compatibility with existing functionality. 


Our developers adhere to strict quality assurance guidelines to ensure defect free products that function to specification and run in a stable, efficient and reliable environment.  Extensive testing is performed in our office as well as at the client site. 

IT Consulting

Bedford Systems began as an IT consulting business.  It's an area where we have considerable experience and a diverse skill set to offer.  We are active in mid range and mainframe consulting including project management, feasibility studies, business analysis, design and development of vertical systems.


Bringing in a project management to oversee your IT projects can be a smart move.  Particularly when you have a project that needs doing but you don't have the necessary technical expertise in-house, or your resources are tied up doing other things.  Or when you want to hire someone but head count limits won't permit it. An outside IT consultant can help pull it all together and see your project through from start to finish. 


Our staff have extensive experience in many industries, large and small organizations, long and short term projects and a variety of processing environments and technologies.  Whether you need guidance and control for your software development projects or someone to manage the project lifecycle for you, we can help.

Micro Focus Conversion to Visual COBOL

Bedford Systems has been developing applications using Micro Focus development products for more than 25 years.  Beginning with Micro Focus Workbench we have transitioned through all Net Express releases to the latest version of Micro Focus Visual COBOL.


Over the past 4 years we've gained extensive experience in upgrading applications developed under Micro Focus Net Express with Dialog Systems to the Micro Focus Visual COBOL/Microsoft Visual Studios development environment.


Upgrades included modernization of the existing Dialog System user interface, conversion of Dialog System screens to Microsoft Windows Presentation Foundation, (WPF),  mixed language inter-operability, (Native and Managed code), and upgrading the Client/Server environment using Microsoft Windows Communication Foundation, (WCF).  


If your organization is faced with this challenge, contact us to find out how we can help.

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Services Consulting
Conversion to Visual COBOL
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